book flu vaccination birmingham


With the nights drawing in and winter just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about your flu vaccination. As the flu vaccine can take 10 to 14 days to reach full effectiveness, it’s best to book your flu vaccination in Birmingham in autumn or early winter. This will help ensure you’re well protected before peak flu season.


Why is it important to book my flu vaccination in Birmingham?

Put simply, vaccination is the best way to protect yourself against the flu. Not only does the vaccine decrease the likelihood of you developing severe symptoms, but it also reduces your chance of catching the virus in the first place.

With COVID-19 to consider this year, too, it’s more important than ever to take up your invitation to get the flu vaccine. Catching flu and COVID-19 at the same time increases the risk of serious illness, and fewer people will have built natural immunity to flu this year as a result of reduced mixing. From a public health perspective, getting your flu vaccination alongside your COVID-19 vaccines will help in the effort to prevent the spread of both illnesses, relieving pressure on the NHS during the tough winter months.

If you are fending off the usual seasonal illnesses, we are here to offer help in the form of our Minor Ailments Scheme.

You can find out more in our previous blog post:

Learn More


book flu vaccination birmingham


Who can receive the flu vaccination?

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just the elderly who are routinely offered flu vaccinations. A range of vulnerable groups and carers can take up the opportunity to get their flu vaccine, including:

– Anyone who will be 50 or older before March 31st, 2022

– People who have certain health conditions like diabetes, heart conditions or those with a BMI of 40 or above

– Pregnant women

– People in long-term residential care

– People who receive a carer’s allowance or act as the main carer for an at-risk person

– People who live with someone at a higher risk of infection (for example, people with HIV or those undergoing certain treatments for conditions like cancer or lupus)

– Frontline health and social care workers, including anyone employed by a residential care home, nursing home or hospice


Who cannot get the flu vaccination?

Generally, most adults are able to have the flu vaccine, although you may be advised to avoid it if you’ve ever previously had a serious allergic reaction to a flu vaccination. Some flu vaccines contain egg, so people with an egg allergy should consult their GP or pharmacist before getting vaccinated (an alternative is usually available). If you have a temperature, you may be advised to wait until you’re recovered to have your flu vaccine.

If you’re at all unsure about whether flu vaccination is right for you, your GP or local pharmacist will be happy to answer your questions and alleviate any worries you may have.


flu vaccine Birmingham


Where can I book my flu vaccination in Birmingham?

Most people get the flu vaccine from their GP surgery or at their local pharmacy. If you’re pregnant, your midwifery service may offer you the vaccine, too.

For flu vaccinations in Birmingham, you can book an appointment quickly and easily at Saydon pharmacy.

Call today to book your flu vaccination appointment at our weekly Wednesday flu clinic.

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This blog post was written on behalf of Saydon Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.